
The Nuts & Bolts of Awarding!

Now running for over 10 years, the AO-Forum is an annual conference which attracts 100-150 delegates each spring. The aim of the AO-forum is to provide pragmatic, down-to-earth advice to awarding bodies. Many of our speakers are senior AO practitioners who discuss their own projects, processes and experiences with a view to sharing best practice with their peers. We believe that it is also important to hear the latest news from the regulatory bodies and our conferences always feature key representatives from Ofqual, ESFA and other industry bodies.


We have recently started producing a regular newsletter:

May 2024

September 2023

May 2023

More to follow soon!

The AO-Forum is run by:

Gordon Associates – the leading specialists in the field of software services to awarding organisations and EPA organisations.
For further information see
For further information about our market-leading awarding organisation system, Parnassus, see
For further information about Talus, our software system for EPAOs, see

The chair of the AO-Forum is Ben Smith and he can be contacted at

Please make sure you have read our cancellation policy before booking events.